Dr. David Huchzermeyer, associated expert of the Department of Ichtyology and Fisheries Science at Rhodes University in Grahamstown, South Africa, demonstrating simple pathological investigation techniques. Picture © Q. Rouhani (RU) 2011
Around 30 veterinary officers, aquaculture officers and aquaculture professionals participated in a 5-days OIE advanced training course on diseases of finfish, hosted by the Department of Ichtyology and Fisheries Diseases of Rhodes University in Grahamstown (Eastern Cape), South Africa from September 19 ? 23, 2011.
Group photograph of participants, lecturers and organisers. Picture © Q. Rouhani (RU) 2011
The training seminar was facilitated by Rhodes University staff, OIE staff and Prof. Larry Hammell from the OIE Collaborating Centre for Epidemiology and Risk Assessment of Aquatic Animal Diseases at Atlantic Veterinary College (UPEI) in Charlottetown, Canada. Participants (from the veterinary authority and the competent authority) travelled from Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia, Seychelles, Swaziland, South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
The intensive training seminar focused on diseases of farmed finfish, including such topics as OIE standards and guidelines, reference centres and twinning, epidemiology and biosecurity in aquaculture, aquaculture production and nutrition, toxicology, pollution and food safety, anatomy, physiology, endocrinology and pharmacology of finfish, diseases and diagnosis of diseases, certification and legislation. The lectures were completed with two field visits to trout-aquaculture and mariculture research stations in Grahamstown and Port Alfred, as well as with a practical on fish (histo)pathology.
All pictures © Q. Rouhani (RU) 2011