Tunis, Tunisia

OIE Regional meeting on vector-borne diseases in North Africa


Vector borne diseases Tunis Minister 2020

The OIE Sub Regional Representation for North Africa (Based in Tunis, Tunisia) organised on 3 December 2020 the OIE Regional meeting on Vector-borne diseases in North Africa as part of the activities conducted under the framework of REMESA (Mediterranean Animal Health Network).

The Webinar was officially opened by Her Excellency the Minister of Agriculture, Hydraulic Resources and Fisheries of Tunisia (Ms. Akissa Bahri, picture) who reminded the importance of this topic for the entire Mediterranean basin and called for a harmonised regional approach to fight against vector-borne diseases including surveillance system able to early detect incursions of VBDs.

Welcoming speeches were also provide by Dr Mohammed Bengoumi (FAO Sub Regional Representation from North Africa) and Dr Rachid Bouguedour (OIE Representative for North Africa).

The webinar had the objective of making the state of play of the activities on vector-borne diseases in North Africa and, more generally, in the Mediterranean basin by putting around the virtual table all the actors conducting activities in this context.

The North Africa is part of the Mediterranean region and REMESA which is the CVO platform where common animal health issues are discussed. REMESA considers vector-borne diseases as a priority topic for the Mediterranean Basin.

The Webinar was attended by about 80 people from 6 North African countries (Algeria, Mauritania, Morocco, Libya, Egypt and Tunisia) and several international and regional organisations such as FAO, EuFMD, IAEA, EFSA as well as Scientific Institutions (CIRAD, CNVZ-Tunisia, Pasteur Institute-France, National Veterinary School of Tunisia and IZSAM, Teramo). Networks such as MediLabSecure and ERFAN also participated to provide an overview of their activities related to VBDs. Representatives from European Union, Spain and France also attended.

In particular, the webinar highlighted the following issues:

  • The regional health context around vector-borne diseases;
  • The sanitary health situation of the countries of North Africa in relation to vector-borne diseases and the various control strategies put in place;
  • Status on the latest projects and research topics around this subject;
  • The importance of developing adapted predictive models for early warning as well as the identification of hotspot areas for improved surveillance;
  • The importance of adopting a multi-sectoral approach in the region that takes into account the multi-factor determinants of these diseases in the development of long-term control strategies in order to allow veterinary services to be more efficiently and effectively equipped so as to provide a rapid and efficient response;
  • Carrying out training sessions for capacity building of veterinary services in terms of diagnosis, surveillance and control against emerging diseases, in particular, training on entomological surveillance;
  • To develop a harmonised surveillance strategy in North Africa with a common objective to prevent and control VBDs by taking advantage of new technologies and tools;
  • The importance of communication tools as a support tool for the animal health strategies to be put in place and their integration into the routine activities of the Veterinary Services (epidemiological surveillance, suspicion, declaration, etc.);
  • Molecular and serological diagnostics VBDs, molecular analyses and molecular epidemiology, bio-informatics analyses, biosafety practices, biorisk-management, vector identification, vector monitoring and control in the framework of “One Health”.

Download the presentations

OIE-Epidemiological situation in North Africa regarding major vectorborne diseases
OIE-Epidemiological situation in North Africa regarding major vectorborne diseases

PDF - 2.67MB

FAO - FAO’s activities on Vector-borne diseases
FAO - FAO’s activities on Vector-borne diseases

PDF - 3.36MB

EuFMD- Identification of risk hotspots for improved surveillance on vectior-borne diseases
EuFMD- Identification of risk hotspots for improved surveillance on vectior-borne diseases

PDF - 1.08MB

CNVZ-Contribution de la cartographie du risque dans la surveillance et la gestion des maladies vectorielles
CNVZ-Contribution de la cartographie du risque dans la surveillance et la gestion des maladies vectorielles

PDF - 2.35MB

MediLabSecure - a One Health network to mitigate vector-borne diseases general presentation and emphasis on integrated surveillance
MediLabSecure - a One Health network to mitigate vector-borne diseases general presentation and emphasis on integrated surveillance

PDF - 3.78MB

IAEA-Detection and characterization of Lumpy Skin Disease Virus
IAEA-Detection and characterization of Lumpy Skin Disease Virus

PDF - 2.87MB

EFSA -RVF_Rift Valley Fever risk of introduction impact prevention and control
EFSA -RVF_Rift Valley Fever risk of introduction impact prevention and control

PDF - 3.05MB

CIRAD-Towards an estimation risk of transmission of Rift Valley fever virus in the Mediterranean
CIRAD-Towards an estimation risk of transmission of Rift Valley fever virus in the Mediterranean

PDF - 2.50MB

Tunisia - Bluetongue and epizootic hemorrhagic disease incursion, recent developments and control strategies in the context of North Africa (part a)
Tunisia - Bluetongue and epizootic hemorrhagic disease incursion, recent developments and control strategies in the context of North Africa (part a)

PDF - 12.03MB

Tunisia - Bluetongue and epizootic hemorrhagic disease incursion, recent developments and control strategies in the context of North Africa (part b)
Tunisia - Bluetongue and epizootic hemorrhagic disease incursion, recent developments and control strategies in the context of North Africa (part b)

PDF - 6.00MB

ERFAN- ERFAN and Vector-Borne Diseases WG
ERFAN- ERFAN and Vector-Borne Diseases WG

PDF - 5.25MB

Tunisia - Communication outil de Gestion de la crise Bluetongue
Tunisia - Communication outil de Gestion de la crise Bluetongue

PDF - 3.04MB

Algeria - Situation épidémiologique des maladies à transmission vectorielle
Algeria - Situation épidémiologique des maladies à transmission vectorielle

PDF - 2.08MB

Morocco - Maladies animales vectorielles au maroc dispositif de surveillance et de lutte
Morocco - Maladies animales vectorielles au maroc dispositif de surveillance et de lutte

PDF - 4.14MB

Mauritania - Fièvre de la Vallée du Rift en Mauritanie
Mauritania - Fièvre de la Vallée du Rift en Mauritanie

PDF - 3.14MB

Egypt - Overview on Vector-borne diseases in Egypt
Egypt - Overview on Vector-borne diseases in Egypt

PDF - 1.90MB

Libya - Vector-Borne Diseases in Libya
Libya - Vector-Borne Diseases in Libya

PDF - 2.59MB

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