Accra, Ghana

Veterinary Services work together on surveillance protocols for viral haemorrhagic fevers at the wildlife-human-environment interface


The World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH, formerly OIE) Focal Points for the topics of wildlife, animal disease notification, veterinary laboratories, and veterinary communication, alongside their Delegates, spent five days together to develop surveillance protocols for viral hemorrhagic fevers (VHFs) in wildlife, for their respective countries. The 24 participants (6 women and 18 men) from Uganda, Ghana, Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Nigeria used the opportunity to discuss challenges and successes in establishing national surveillance systems, to strengthen their regional networks and collaboration mechanisms.

The workshop format was participatory in nature and aimed to encourage interactive sessions, including the use of educational tools such as the ALERT boardgame on community-based epidemiological surveillance, engaging participants in simulation and lobbying exercises, and refreshing their knowledge through e-learning modules on disease surveillance systems and on the five diseases targeted by the EBO-SURSY Project. The workshop resulted in the development of four draft Rift valley fever (RVF) surveillance protocols for Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Ghana, and Uganda and a draft Lassa fever protocol for Liberia.

Also, following the two previous workshops held in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo in 2019 and Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire in 2020, the Veterinary Services of Côte d’Ivoire and Central African Republic organised national workshops, with the support of the EBO-SURSY Project in 2022, to finalise and validate their draft surveillance protocols for Lassa fever and Rift valley fever, respectively, integrating the other relevant sectors (public health, environment, finances…) in the discussions. These national plans, validated by the relevant ministries, must now be provided with the necessary resources to be implemented by the stakeholders.



All pictures (c) S. Muset (WOAH) 2022


The training has had a significant impact on my understanding of the techniques needed for the development and implementation of surveillance systems for VHF in wildlife



This workshop was organised by WOAH and CIRAD in partnership with the Veterinary Services of Ghana, through the EBO-SURSY Project, and withthe generous support of the European Union.





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EBO-SURSY Resources

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