Welcoming address by the OIE Delegate from Swaziland, Dr Roland Xolani Dlamini. Picture (c) P. Bastiaensen (oie) 2017.
The OIE has just completed the fifth in a series of training courses for OIE focal points for veterinary medicinal products. The workshop was held in the little town of Ezulwini (Valley), mid-way between Manzini and Mbabane, the economic and political capitals of the Kingdom of Swaziland, and was attended by national OIE Delegates and OIE Focal Points for veterinary medicinal products from 18 countries from English-speaking Africa, including Angola, Botswana, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, , Zambia, Zimbabwe and the host country : Swaziland.
Besides OIE regional (Gaborone, Nairobi) and head office staff (Science and New Technologies Department, Paris) contributions were made by four OIE Reference Centres on veterinary products (ANSES France, AU-PANVAC Ethiopia, LACOMEV Senegal and FDA United States), as well as invited regional and international experts from South Africa (on behalf of the World Customs Organisation, the Medicines Control Council, and the University of Pretoria), from Belgium (on behalf of HealthforAnimals), Uganda (on behalf of Makerere University) and Ethiopia (on behalf of the African Union Pan-African Tsetse and Trypanosomiasis Eradication Campaign)
The two “One Health” tripartite partners of the OIE were represented by WHO AFRO (Brazzaville), as well as FAO Harare (SFS).
The opening ceremony was held at the Happy Valley Hotel and Conference Centre, and was officiated by the Hon. Minister of Agriculture, H.E. Moses Vilakati who delivered an opening address, alongside Drs. Moetapele Letshwenyo and Elisabeth Erlacher-Vindel (OIE) and Dr. Roland Xolani Dlamini, OIE Delegate of Swaziland and Director of Veterinary and Livestock Services.
Most of the first day of the workshop was directed to newly appointed Focal Points, providing a rapid overview on the OIE and its activities related to veterinary products covered in previous training sessions. This enabled newly appointed Focal Points to be adequately informed on the OIE and the main standards, guidelines, VICH and issues pertaining to veterinary products.
The subsequent sessions covered :
All the sessions led to constructive discussions of a high level, including information and experience sharing among countries, in part through interactive working group sessions. It enabled countries to come up with practical proposals, e.g. develop a document on general principles of prudent and responsible use of anti-parasitics, strengthen the collaboration at national, regional and international level, discussing and sharing templates for the authorisation of veterinary medicines, etc….
Group work session . Picture (c) E. Erlacher – Vindel (oie) 2017.
The training course was funded by the OIE World Animal Health and Welfare Fund, through grants from the United Kingdom (Fleming Fund, UK-AID) and the European Union (SVSDC+R project), with financial and logistical support of the Kingdom of Swaziland.
The following training workshop is the one for French-speaking African countries, to be held in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, from January 16 – 18, 2018.