A pre-Conference technical workshop was organised at the Mohammed VI International Convention Centre on Monday 16 February, dealing with “Development of public-private partnerships (PPP) to support Veterinary Services”.
Opening address by the Director-General of the OIE, Dr Bernard Vallat, shouldered by the Representative of the BMGF, M. Sam Thevasagayam (right) and the the Director of the Moroccan food safety authority, ONSSA, M. Ahmed Bentouhami (left). Picture © P. Bastiaensen (oie) 2015.
The one-day seminar was attended by OIE Delegates from 40 African Member Countries, as well as representatives of AU-IBAR, AU-PATTEC, GALVMed, IGAD and VSF/Belgium and was funded by the OIE and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The seminar was officially opened by the Director-General of the OIE, Dr Bernard Vallat, the Representative of the BMGF, M. Sam Thevasagayam and the Guest of Honour, the Director of the Moroccan food safety authority, ONSSA, M. Ahmed Bentouhami.
Participants were presented with the portfolio of OIE activities pertaining to public – private partnership (PPP) opportunities through the OIE standard setting processes (quality of veterinary services), the PVS pathway processes, including the veterinary legislation support programme, the veterinary statutory bodies, the sanitary mandate (health accreditation) and the role of veterinary para-professionals.
Selected member countries (Cote d’Ivoire, Morocco, Niger and Uganda) as well as the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU), the African Union’s Inter-african Bureau for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR) and the Global Alliance for Livestock Veterinary Medicines (GALVMed) presented their views and experiences on the matter.
All picture (c) P. Bastiaensen (oie) 2015.