Bamako, Mali

The VETGOV Programme comes to a close


Dr Jean-Philippe Dop, OIE Deputy-Director General. Picture (c) P. Bastiaensen (oie) 2017. 

The continental programme “Strengthening of Veterinary Governance in Africa”, or VETGOV in short, came to a close on July 31, 2017 after having been implemented for 5 and a half years, from January 2012. The programme, funded by the European Union, was implemented across the African continent by three organisations, the African Union Inter-african Bureau for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR) the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and the OIE.

The achievements of the VETGOV Programme were celebrated during a three-day official wrap-up meeting at the African Union headquarters in Addis Ababa, from July 26 – 28, 2017, attended by 236 participants, from 49 out of the 55 African Union Member States with delegations consisting of the Principal or Permanent Secretary of the Ministry in charge of animal resources, the Chief Veterinary Officer (OIE Delegate) and the Director of Animal Production. Overall the meeting was attended by 33 OIE Delegates from Africa and high-level representation of the OIE was assured by the OIE Deputy Director General, Dr. Jean-Philippe Dop.

Though the Programme was implemented for quite a while (5.5. years), the impact is expected to outstrip the Programme by at least another 5 years, thanks to the focus on the long-term institutional strengthening of Veterinary Services in Africa, rather than to seek short-term solutions to short-term problems.

Also, several programmes and projects are pursuing much of what the VETGOV Programme initiated, e.g. the Livestock for Livelihoods in Africa (LIVE2AFRICA) Programme (African Union) or the Strengthening of Veterinary Services in Developing Countries (SVSDC) Project (OIE), both funded by the European Union.

Within the VETGOV package of actions, the OIE focused on three areas : achieving inter-operability between the African Union’s Animal Resources Information System (ARIS) and the OIE’s World Animal Health Information System (WAHIS), capacity building of the veterinary workforce, which included a milestone continental conference on the role(s) of veterinary para-professionals in Africa, and the pursuit of the PVS Pathway in Africa, with a specific focus on the strengthening of veterinary legislation at national and –towards the end of the programme- regional level, i.e. regional economic communities

Please refer to the OIE VETGOV website for more information on the achievements of the programme. Also be on the lookout for a comprehensive article on the VETGOV Programme to appear in volume 3 – 2017 of the OIE Bulletin.

All pictures (c) P. Bastiaensen (oie) 2017.

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OIE Bulletin 3/2017

OIE-supported achievements of the VETGOV Programme (2012–2017)

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