Louis Nel
On July 1st 2014, Professor Louis Nel of the University of Pretoria, South Africa, took over as the Global Alliance on Rabies Control’s (GARC) new Executive Director from Dr Deborah Briggs, who stepped down after 7 years as Executive Director, but will remain an integral part of the GARC board.
Louis Nel has a long-standing track record of interacting with the OIE, both in Paris and in Botswana, as well as with the WHO and the FAO, and associated rabies collaborating centres and rabies reference laboratories. Prof. Nel will now become the driving force behind the annual World Rabies Day events.
The OIE and the OIE Regional Representations in Africa congratulate Prof. Nel on this important appointment, as an African, and as an accomplished scientist. In May 2014, GARC signed a Cooperation Agreement with the OIE with a view to encouraging collaboration between the two organizations on issues of common interest.