Bamako, Mali

OIE Regional Representation for Africa hosts a meeting of the livestock working group of the development partners in Bamako


Overview of participants. Picture © Daniel Bourzat (oie) 2015


On Monday, 2 March 2015, the OIE Regional Representation for Africa, as a standing member, had the honour to welcome the Technical and Financial Partners livestock working group at its premises. This is a consultative group of the different actors involved in livestock development in Mali (NGOs, development cooperation agencies, international organisations, etc).

The situation of livestock in the northern zones of Mali in terms of availability of fodder and water and the constraints linked to Mali crisis were reviewed by the representatives of the African Development Bank (AfDB), the World Bank, the FAO, the Belgian, Dutch and Swiss Cooperation Agencies, the EU, NGOs (AVSF, AfL, VSF Belgium etc.) and livestock keepers associations. The group was also able to exchange views on the main programmes in the pipeline (i.e. PRAPS, 11th EDF Programme, Swiss Cooperation Project etc).

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