The OIE Representative for Eastern Africa, Dr Walter Masiga, just concluded an official country visit to the 180th Member of the OIE, the Republic of South Sudan, in a bid to show support of the OIE for the ongoing reforms in the country and to bring the country’s veterinary officials up to speed on matters of importance to the OIE mandates and activities. Accompanied by Dr. P. Bastiaensen, programme officer, the two officials discussed various topics of interest to the governance of Veterinary Services, including the PVS pathway, the activities and training of OIE focal points, the reporting to the OIE through WAHIS, and the establishment of a veterinary statutory body in South Sudan. Since 2013, the country suffered a profound political – military crisis which is expected to come to a conclusion very soon as the war faring parties signed an IGAD – brokered peace agreement whilst the OIE mission was in the country.
The OIE Delegate, Dr Jacob Korok, expressed his willingness to welcome a PVS evaluation team in the near future, as soon as the security and logistical conditions for travel inside the country permit. The visit was followed by a joint OIE / AU-IBAR assessment of the VETGOV programme conducted in the young Republic, in particular the ongoing pilot project (grants programme) on advocacy for a veterinary policy and veterinary legislation for South Sudan.
South Sudan Jacob Korok