The World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) together with the Quadripartite Partners (WHO, FAO, UNEP) brought together stakeholders in Ethiopia to develop a national One Health Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Stakeholder Engagement and Communication Strategy, thanks to the support of the AMR Multi Partner Trust Fund (MPTF).
The Global Action Plan (GAP) on Antimicrobial Resistance sets out five strategic objectives as a blueprint for countries developing a National Action Plan (NAP) for AMR. To ‘improve awareness and understanding of AMR through effective communication, education and training’ is one of these strategic objectives.
Dr Fikru Regessa, Federal State Minister of Livestock and Fishery and OIE Delegate.
Having developed its own strategy on the prevention and containment of AMR, officially launched in November 2021, Ethiopia acknowledged the need for more support to implement and achieve the desired goals on AMR. ‘This workshop is one such way towards this’, the Minister highlighted.
Dr. Regessa appreciated the OIE’s support for the implementation of the Ethiopian One Health AMR prevention and containment strategy through the AMR-MPTF funding. As he pledged support from all the ministries represented to work with the quadripartite.
The stakeholders, who actively engaged in vibrant discussions during the workshop, recognized the importance of effective communication, information, education, and training as the blueprint in building awareness and developing key messages on AMR and its associated public health risks within the Ethiopian context.
The OIE, through their expert consultant Dr Jason Weeks, built capacities on stakeholder mapping to develop and effectively frame AMR messages to specific target audience. This understanding will help influence behaviour change and understanding of AMR risks.
Finally, the four-day workshop culminated in the stakeholders having a better understanding on the importance of effective communication for the implementation of AMR projects in Ethiopia. This will go a long way in the fight against AMR to prevent its development, encourage safe use of antimicrobials to help achieve the goal to preserve AMR efficacy.
Group photo for workshop participants. Picture (c) L. Iyadi (oie) 2022.