The 3rd Executive Committee meeting of REEV-Med (EC REEV-Med) was scheduled in parallel with the first edition of the International Veterinary Forum organised in the occasion of the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the National School of Veterinary Medicine, Sidi Thabet, Tunisia.
The OIE was represented by Dr Monique Eloit (OIE Deputy Director General) and Dr Rachid Bouguedour (OIE sub-regional representant for North Africa). Both speakers presented the OIE missions implemented in the field of veterinary education (e.g. veterinary education core curriculum, twinning projects) which is an essential element of the good governance of Veterinary Services. The REEV-Med experience was highlighted in both presentations.
Members of the EC REEV-Med welcomed Dr Monique Eloit to join the 3rd Executive Committee meeting. The meeting was the opportunity to make the state of play about the overall situation and on the commitment of REEV-Med members to be evaluated in view of improving the quality of veterinary education. It was also discussed how to strengthen the collaboration with the European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education (EAEVE) in order to promote a process for evaluating veterinary education establishments in the region, comparable to the EAEVE training.
The treasurer also presented different commercial offers concerning the future REEV-Med web site. The necessity of implementing a web site was confirmed by the EC REEV-Med and the constant updating of the pages was then discussed.
The next meeting, 4th General Assembly, will be organised in Sarajevo (Bosnia Herzegovina) in October 2015. A proposal of agenda was discussed, including administrative, strategic and technical items.