Dr Charles Maseka, Director of Veterinary Services, CVO and WOAH Delegate. Picture (c) G. H. Bazimo (woah) 2024)
The Standing Group of Experts on Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia (SGE-CBPP) for Africa was set up as a result of the adoption in June 2022 of the terms of reference by the 11th Regional Steering Committee (RSC-11) of the GF-TADs for Africa, in order to promote regular exchange of information and best practices among concerned national veterinary authorities, international and national experts, and the private sector.
In 2021, CBPP was identified as one of the 5 priority diseases under the GF-TADs Regional Strategy 2021 – 2025, adopted in October 2021. . This led to the establishment of the SGE CBPP for Africa in 2023 which started with a core group of 4 founding Members Countries drawn from Central (Chad), Eastern (Somalia), Southern (Zambia) and Western Africa (Nigeria), with the aim to progressively extend to more countries. The inaugural SGE identified a number of priority topics, to be tackled in subsequent meetings, as intended in the terms of reference of the SGE.
These topics are :
Hence, the second SGE was planned to discuss control Strategies as follows:
Strategy | Development and validation of strategic plans at various levels of governance (national, clusters of neighbouring countries, sub-regions, the continent and/or the international community, for higher prioritisation of the disease (technically and financially).
· Global strategy (limited to Africa, but enabling all countries worldwide to aim for freedom of disease status);
· Continental strategy (custodian: AU); · Sub-regional strategies (custodian: REC); · National strategies (clustering with neighbouring countries, shared borders).
The meeting was attended by 27 participants, including standing members of the SGE and invited Experts and Observers.
The Chief Veterinary Officer/WOAH Delegate of Zambia, Dr Charles Maseka, attended the meeting for the first time and was leading a delegation of 5 more Zambian officials, along with 2 support staff.
Further present at the meeting were representatives of:
Simultaneous interpretation was available in French and English. 30% of attendants were French-speaking and 37% of attendees were women.
Through a series of technical but also strategy presentations, and break-out session (French and English groups), the meeting was led through the 4 proposed tiers of strategy development :
Technical agencies, reference laboratories, RECs and countries (Members) were invited to share their take on how they could contribute to either or all of the tiers, also taking stock of recent international and regional meetings on CBPP (STAR-IDAZ / CABI / USDA-ARS, Cambridge, 2023 and ERFAN Forum, online, 2024), as well as past experiences and lessons learned from other global initiatives on Rinderpest, PPR, ASF, FMD and Rabies.
Dr Huyam Salih, Director of AU-IBAR and Chair of the GF-TADs for Africa Regional Steering Committee (RSC). Picture (c) G. H. Bazimo (woah) 2024
In the end, after three days of consultations, the meeting resolved and agreed on the following :
In the coming weeks, considerations and action points will be finetuned and a report prepared and circulated. The next meeting of the SGE will be dedicated to Surveillance.
Dr Charles Maseka, WOAH Delegate and CVO, Director of Veterinary Services, Zambia
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