Mandate and rules for the Regional Representations



Regional Representations of the Office International des Epizooties may be established under the responsibility of a Regional Coordinator to provide Member Countries with services that are better adapted and in closer proximity, with a view to the strengthening of animal disease surveillance and control within a region.

The chief aim of the Regional Coordinator shall be to:

1. represent the Office in all circumstances deemed appropriate by the Director General, particularly within the framework of arrangements for cooperation established between the Office and national or international authorities with responsibilities in the region.

2. contribute to an improvement in the quality of information on animal diseases and the harmonisation of control methods used for these diseases, in close collaboration with national or international Animal Health Services in the region.

3. promote training programmes for Chief Veterinary Officers, or other animal health officials, particularly in seeking finance and organising such training sessions or seminars that the countries in the region deem necessary.

4. undertake or monitor the development of any other action that the International Committee considers to be in the interests of the Member Countries in the region.

Regional Representations shall function on the basis of the Rules for Regional Representations.



1. Regional Representations shall be established by Resolution of the International Committee following a proposal from the Regional Commission concerned and with the advice of the Administrative Commission. The Resolution may be passed only if all the necessary conditions for the proper functioning of the Representation, in particular its triennial funding, have previously been met.

2. The Regional Representation is placed under the responsibility of a Regional Coordinator, designated for three years by the Director General after having received the agreement of the Regional Commission concerned and reporting to the Director General. This designation may be revoked taking into consideration the conditions stipulated in the terms of reference for the appointment.

3. The Regional Coordinator shall exercise his or her duties within the framework of the Mandate for OIE Regional Representations. The annual working programme shall be drawn up each year in concertation with the Central Bureau. The Regional Coordinator shall submit regular reports on the implementation of the programme.

4. The funding of the Regional Representation shall be ensured by specific resources. These resources may be provided by voluntary contributions from Member Countries or from governmental or non governmental organisations. In the case of voluntary contributions from a non governmental source, a contract will be signed between the OIE and the non governmental organisation, and the International Committee shall be informed.

5. The funding provided for the Regional Representation shall cover the expected expenditure for a minimum of three years. This funding covers the staffing and operational costs of the Representation.

6. The Host Country of the Representation may make available the offices and equipment necessary to fulfil the Representation’s Mandate.

7. The budget of the Regional Representation shall be prepared and implemented by the Central Bureau in consultation with the Regional Coordinator. The Director General shall report on the implementation of the budget to the International Committee during the General Session.