Karim Tounkara
Regional Representative for Africa
Mandate and rules for WOAH Regional Representations
Cooperation Agreements and Host Country Agreements
Sub-Regional Representation for Southern Africa
Sub-Regional Representation for North Africa
Sub-Regional Representation for Eastern Africa
Regional Representations of the WOAH are established in accordance with Article 33 of the General Rules, under the responsibility of a Regional Representative, to provide Member Countries with services that are better adapted and in closer proximity to the Member Countries of the region concerned, and with a view to the strengthening of animal disease surveillance and control within the region. Sub‐Regional Representations are established under same rules, under responsibility of a Sub‐Regional Representatives.
Mandate and rules for WOAH Regional Representations
The Regional Representation for Africa is part of the five regional representations (Americas, Asia and the Pacific, Europe and the Middle East) established by WOAH. The purpose of the Representation is to provide to the Member States, services that are adapted to the regional level, so that they may strengthen both surveillance and control of diseases in Africa.
The Representation is led by Dr Karim Tounkara since January 2016.
Regional Representative for Africa
Accountant / Financial Assistant
Administrative Assistant
Programme Officer : AMR
Project officer : Regional Coordinator Rabies and TADs (Central Africa)
Project Officer : ZOO-SURSY Project (West and Central Africa)
Consultant : Technical Assistant VPP Training of the P3V Project
Project Officer : Projet Professionnalisation des paraprofessionnels vétérinaires (P3V) funded by the AFD
Project Officer : Regional Coordinator PRAPS Animal Health Component
Project Officer : International Technical Assistant PRAPS Animal Health Component
Project Officer : Training / capacity-building PRAPS Animal Health Component
Project Officer : Technical Assistant - databases under KoBo Toolbox environment PRAPS Animal Health Component
Project Secretary PRAPS Animal Health Component
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Regional Representation for Africa
Parc de Sotuba
BP 2954 Bamako
+223 20 24 15 83
Email: [email protected]