Since December 2008, the ‘Better training for safer food’ programme (BTSF) has benefited from funding from DG SANCO (European Union) to the tune of € 5.4 million, including the endorsement of a no-cost extension of one-year (2012). This grant to the World Fund is now completely depleted.
A concise analysis of the results of the activities conducted under this programme reveals that considerable means have been deployed to train our delegates and focal points. Indeed, 4,400 man-days of training have been provided with the support our reference laboratories and collaborating centres’ experts. These seminars have been very positively assessed and enabled veterinary services governance to be significantly improved. These efforts deserve to be sustained.
The same programme also positioned Africa largely in pole-position in terms of participation of the OIE Members in the OIE PVS pathway. No less than 51 out of the 52 countries have committed to the evaluation of the performance of their veterinary services, 36 are in the process of assessing the gaps in compliance with international standards, 22 countries prepare the upgrading of their veterinary legislation, while 8 countries already benefited from follow-up missions and/or are preparing a donor round table with international technical partners to ensure the sustainable funding of the strategic development plan, which resulted from the OIE – PVS pathway.
BTSF also contributed to the strengthening of the laboratory twinning programme. Indeed, in Africa today 13 twinning agreements are ongoing, one has been completed, while the last agreement to be approved deals with PPR. It is unfortunate that with such a track record, the programme did not benefit from a second phase.
The new ‘Better veterinary governance in Africa’ programme is expected to pursue these activities (in part) and consolidate the achievements of BTSF