The Senegalese Minister for Animal Husbandry kindly agreed to chair the opening session of this seminar, organised with the support and within the premises of the EISMV (the Inter-Governmental School of Veterinary Science and Medicine). From the chair, she delivered a passionate plea in favour of the strengthening of veterinary governance and a better control of veterinary medicinal products using regional approaches as much as possible. This seminar, funded under the BTSF programme (EU-DG-SANCO) was directed towards 21 national focal points for veterinary products who had already participated in the initial training cycle. Out of the 22 invited countries, 21 were represented in Dakar, which underscores the importance that OIE Member States attach to this theme. The West African Economic and Monetary Union (UEMOA) was represented at high level by the Principal secretary of the Commissioner in charge of Agriculture and the Environment and by the President of the Regional Veterinary Drugs Committee (CRMV) of the UEMOA. The training-content was delivered by OIE staff (RR/AF, Headquarters) assisted by colleagues of the OIE Collaborating Centres and Reference Laboratories (ANSES-ANMV and EISMV-LACOMEV). Representatives of IFAH-Europe and VICH also contributed to the scientific excellence of this training course. Last but not least, a representative of the WHO came to present the ongoing work and actions of the WHO in this field of public health.