Nairobi, Kenya

OIE Nairobi seeking support of regional rabies experts


The OIE Sub-Regional Representation for Eastern Africa invites expressions of interest (EoI) from regional (eastern and southern African) rabies experts, working for national veterinary services, public health services, academia, governmental and non-governmental organisations, in areas such as strategic planning, mass dog rabies vaccination, dog-bite response and investigation, pre- and post-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP and PEP), rabies diagnosis in dogs, rabies diagnosis in humans, rabies surveillance, education, communication and public awareness, rabies reservoirs, rabies oral vaccination, dog population management, data collection, management and analysis, monitoring and evaluation, dog census, and other relevant skillsets and expertise. The purpose of this roster of experts is to avail tailored remote support and on-site technical backstopping to national units and entities working on the elimination of human deaths from dog-mediated rabies by 2030 in the following countries : Burundi, Eritrea, Rwanda, and Uganda.

Kindly fill out the online form and send your CV, including mention of language skills, to [email protected] by 17 May 2020. Note that nationals of these 4 abovementioned countries are not eligible.

Fill in using Google Forms (by 17 May 2020)

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