Paris, France

First OIE World Conference on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Paris


The OIE has organized the first World Conference devoted to the prudent use of antimicrobials agents in veterinary medicine in Paris from 13 to 15 March 2013. The conference brought together representatives of the various sectors involved from more than 100 countries (officials of national and international authorities, representatives of international, regional and national non-governmental organizations, private sector representatives).


Dr Khadija Id Sidi Yahia, OIE Focal points veterinary products for Morocco and , behind her, Dr Yacouba Samaké (OIE Bamako) and Dr Rachid Bouguedour (OIE Tunis). Picture © V. Brioudes (oie) 2013.

The risk assessment, the non-priority uses, the good governance and the role of the veterinary profession, the control of the ethics and veterinary skills by Veterinary Statutory Bodies, the needs in terms of research (resource mobilization through public – private partnerships), the harmonization of monitoring mechanisms or training needs were the key points discussed during this conference.

A consensus was reached on the need to stimulate cooperation and international solidarity with regard to ensuring supervision of the production, importation, marketing, distribution and use of antimicrobials.

Given that resistant bacteria know no borders and inadequate management by a single country can jeopardise all the others, the participants advocated strengthening cooperation to help countries that are not yet in a position to apply the OIE’s prudential standards to put in place the necessary legislation, structures and human and financial resources.

All presentations and recommendations of the conference are available at :



Remember !

  • Antimicrobial resistance is a global human and animal health concern that is influenced by both human and non-human usages of antimicrobial agents. The human, animal and plant sectors therefore have a shared responsibility to minimise antimicrobial resistance selection pressures on human and non-human pathogens and to contain antimicrobial resistance illustrating the One Health approach.
  • The OIE has worked actively for more than a decade on veterinary products, including antimicrobial agents, and developed a strategy for its activities in this area. Given that antimicrobial resistance is often an animal and human health issue, the OIE works closely with all its Member Countries, as well as with international organisations such as WHO, FAO and the Codex Alimentarius Commission.
  • For example, antimicrobial resistance in Europe is causing nearly 25,000 deaths per year associated with an economic impact of 1.5 billion euros per year (loss of productivity and extra health care costs).


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