Naivasha, Kenya

Fighting AMR together: Kenya's pioneering success in Naivasha workshop signals regional progress.


Participants engaged in discussions during the workshop.

Kenya developed its first National Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR-NAP) in 2017 to join the global fight against antimicrobial resistance. The Tripartite organisations, the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), World Health Organisation (WHO) and World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) supported the implementation of the NAP through a Multi-Partner Trust Fund (MPTF)  for the project titled “Preventive approaches to the containment of the AMR” .

The project aimed at sustainably improving antimicrobial use (AMU) associated behaviours and practices in human and animal health sectors by ensuring optimal use of antimicrobials and improving understanding of AMR risks and response options by targeted audience groups in Kenya. The project was launched in February 2021 and ran up to May 2023.

To review the progress of the project implementation a lesson-learning, adapting and collaborating event was held in Naivasha, Kenya, from 16-17 May 2023. This workshop examined what went well, what did not, and what to do improve on and do differently in the future. The workshop attracted around 60 stakeholders from different government institutions, FAO, WHO and WOAH from country, regional and global levels.

Dr Allan Azegele, from the Ministry of Agriculture and the chairperson of the National AMR Committee, commended the project for its contribution to achieving the country’s AMR NAP objectives. The project contributed to the mitigation of AMR in the infection prevention and control (IPC) and promotion of farm biosecurity measures.

Participants from the AMR MPTF Kenya country pose for a group picture during the workshop. Picture (c) L. Iyadi (woah) 2023.

Dr Jane Lwoyero, WOAH Programme Officer for AMR and AMU.

In Kenya’s relentless battle against Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), significant progress has been made in strengthening medicine regulatory frameworks, establishing biosecurity systems and promoting infection prevention and control practices. The development of farm biosecurity guidelines for dairy, poultry, and chicken, along with two specialized trainings for veterinary professionals and surgeons, signals a determined effort to disseminate crucial knowledge at all levels.

Through this project, the collaboration between Quadripartite and National Antimicrobial Stewardship Interagency Committee (NASIC) has been strengthened. efforts are being made to influence change from the emphasis on therapeutic treatments to disease prevention.

A momentous step towards optimized antimicrobial use came through One Health approach to AMR awareness raising that was for the first time cascaded to the county levels, while data collection and the approval of medicine schedule guidelines promise to reinforce responsible practices. Kenya’s unwavering commitment and groundbreaking achievements are a testament to its leadership in the global fight against AMR, securing a healthier future for all.

The participants were keen to have a second phase of the project to augment the achievement and accelerate the implementation of the second AMR-NAP.

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