Dr Laibané Dieudonné Dahourou officially joined the OIE Regional Representation for Africa on 1 April 2021 as OIE Technical Advisor for veterinary paraprofessional education. Whereas Dr Dahourou will be administered by the Bamako office, he is based at the Inter-State School of Veterinary Sciences and Medicine (Ecole Inter-Etats de Sciences et Médecine Vétérinaires, EISMV) in Dakar, Senegal, from where he will be responsible for the development of an enabling environment for VPP education, with strong collaboration with EISMV and with four national training institutions in Senegal and Togo.
This assignment is part of the “Professionalisation of Veterinary Para-Professionals” (P3V) Project, made possible with the support of the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) which finances this project aimed at improving access to quality veterinary services for livestock farmers in French-speaking West Africa through the training of veterinary paraprofessionals or VPPs.
Dr Laibané Dieudonné Dahourou is a veterinarian by training. He holds a Master’s degree in veterinary public health, another in management of animal resources in tropical environments and a PhD in animal health and biotechnology. He has participated in numerous training courses on the production of educational resources, university teaching appraoches and methodologies and the development of online courses.
He started his career as a lecturer-researcher at the Inter-State School of Veterinary Sciences and Medicine of Dakar (EISMV) where, in addition to his teaching and research in the field of parasitology and wildlife management, he participated in the revision of the EISMV Masters curriculum. He was a pivotal in the development of the curriculum of the Master II course in Wildlife Management and Health Surveillance.
From 2017 to March 2021, he was in entrusted with the veterinary sciences, within the training programme for rural development practitioners at the University of Dédougou in Burkina Faso. In addition to his activities at the University, he was a guest lecturer in the training course for veterinary paraprofessionals in Burkina Faso’s livestock and animal health training insitutions. With colleagues in Burkina Faso, he actively participated in the review of the curriculum for the training of diploma and degree courses in animal production and health at three university centres in Burkina Faso.
In addition to his teaching activities, Dr Dahourou has carried out numerous consultations in the field of veterinary drug use, wildlife health risks, drafting of animal health strategies and has conducted various research activities focusing on the epidemiology of zoonoses and emerging and re-emerging diseases in Burkina Faso.
Dieudonné can be contacted at : [email protected]