Rabies is a public health problem in Angola and around 200 people die of rabies every year. To take advantage of the positive dynamics regarding rabies control in Angola the OIE Rabies Vaccine Bank, with the support from the European Union funded ‘Strengthening Veterinary Services in Developing Countries’ Project, delivered 140,000 doses of rabies vaccines to Angola on 15 December 2019 to facilitate the mass dog vaccination campaign.
Rabies Angola Vaccine delivery Letshwenyo
L to R: Secretary, Ministry of Health, Agriculture Minister and OIE-Sub Regional Representative giving opening remarks. Picture © Tenzin Tenzin (oie) 2020
The vaccine was officially handed over to the Honourable Minister, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, HE Antonio Francisco de Assis by Dr Moetapele Letshwenyo, OIE-Sub Regional Representative for Southern Africa, Botswana. The Secretary of the Ministry of Health, Cabinet Director, Heads of Different Departments and other representatives including journalists and media personnel attended the ceremony on 11 February 2020.
The Minister and the Director of the Veterinary Services thanked the OIE for the donation and ensured that the vaccines will be used for the mass dog vaccination campaigns in southern Angola.
Technical discussion on rabies between Veterinary Services Officials and OIE. Picture (c) ISV, 2020
In addition to the handing over of the vaccine, the following aspects were discussed with the officials of the Veterinary Services Institute:
The Angolan Veterinary Services will be supported in its efforts to successfully implement and operationalise their rabies elimination strategy through capacity building activities, including training of the vaccinators and delivery of the Global Alliance for Rabies Control Data Logger to capture vaccination data, vaccination equipments, and laboratory capacity building and surveillance.
Group photo after the vaccine handing over the event with the Agriculture Minister, Angola. Picture (C) ISV, 2020
Dog quarantine facility at Cacuaco, located in one of the municipalities in Luanda Province. Picture (C) Tenzin Tenzin (OIE) 2020
Technical discussion on vaccination campaign and post-vaccination survey, Luanda, Angola