The OIE seminar for the Aquatic Animal National Focal Points was held in Accra on 20-22 March 2012. Funded under BTSF funds (EU-DG-SANCO). The Focal points of 38 countries attended the seminar (only 4 FP were unable to attend).
The training started with a field visit to a commercial aquatic farm (TROPO), which managed all the production line (from eggs to final Tilapia product). Production is currently reaching 4,000 tons of fish per year. The afternoon was devoted to the visit of the regional research center for Tilapia, which is providing support to the countries of the area (Mali, Benin, Cameroon and Côte d’Ivoire).
Group picture. Picture © Daniel Bourzat (oie) 2012
The 2 remaining days were fully devoted to the following subjects:
The team of highly qualified experts share her experience with the group on a very proactive manner.
The departure of some participants was a bit delayed due to the closure of Bamako’s airport.
At the end of the week everyone were able to reach home safely.