Gaborone, Botswana

SADC Livestock Technical Committee (LTC) members visit the OIE office in Gaborone


The annual SADC LTC took place in Gaborone from 27 – 30 October 2015. The Livestock Technical Committee (LTC) is a committee comprising of Directors responsible for animal health (OIE Delegates) and animal production within the 15 SADC Member Countries. The committee is the ultimate technical body which reports to the SADC Council of Ministers responsible for livestock through the SADC Secretariat. The LTC is also attended by SADC partner organisations, reference laboratories, vaccine manufacturers, as well as invited consultants involved with animal health and production work in the region.

The meeting was officially opened by the Deputy Permanent Secretary in the Botswana Ministry of Agriculture, Dr Kekgonne Baipoledi. He alluded to issues of climate change and called for member countries to explore the use of “climate smart agriculture” to mitigate its effects.



The SADC – LTC in session. Picture (c) M. Letshwenyo (oie) 2015


Participants were satisfied with the recently adopted modifications of OIE FMD Code Chapter to include a quarantine station for the purposes of international trade (article 8.8.22.), but called for more to be done on the standards relating to the role of wildlife in FMD. Nonetheless, this amendment was particularly welcomed because quarantining is widely used in the region as a disease risk mitigation measure for purposes of safe trade in animal commodities.

Representatives from OIE, AU-IBAR (VETGOV) and CIRAD gave presentations on activities of their organisations in the Sub-region.

On the last day of the meeting, delegates met at the OIE offices to reflect on the outcomes of major OIE events of the year : these included the OIE General Session and Regional Commission, as well as other OIE conferences and workshops for Members to appreciate what follow-up action is required and how their countries/their region can benefit from these. In addition, the meeting was meant to familiarise the Member Countries with the Sub-Regional Representation and suggest how it can serve them better.

LTC attendants at the OIE offices. Picture (c) Nomsa Thekiso (oie) 2015

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