Established in June 2023

Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia - Standing Group of Experts (SGE)




The Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP) Standing Group of Experts (SGE) for Africa was established in June 2023 as the result of a six-day consultation with all Members, based on the Terms of Reference endorsed by the 11th Regional Steering Committee (RSC-11) of the GF-TADs for Africa in June 2022 (and amended by the RSC-12 in March 2025).

These pages aim to collect and avail all useful information on the working of the SGE and relies on contributions from Members.

Please submit your contributions (documents, photos, questions, etc) to [email protected] with the mention CBPP SGE in the subject line for posting on these pages.

Repository of working documents and factsheets, submitted to date.